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PYtest is a urea breath test and is a quantitative and non-invasive method for the diagnosis of H. pylori. The test is conducted with the patient swallowing a urea capsule. If gastric urease from H. pylori is present, the urea is split to form carbon dioxide and ammonia. Ten minutes after the capsule is ingested by the patient, a breath sample is collected in a balloon. The breath sample is transferred into collection fluid to trap the labelled carbon dioxide. This liquid is later analysed in a liquid scintillation counter to determine the level of infection.

For more information on the product, please see the TGA approved Product Information

The procedure for analysing a breath sample from a foil balloon is as follows:

More information about PYtest Enquire about PYtest PYtest Work Instructions Breath Collection Instruction


The CLOtest Rapid Urease Test (RUT) accurately and conveniently detects the urease enzyme of Helicobacter pylori in gastric mucosal biopsies. Its use is intended for the presumptive diagnosis of H. pylori infection.

CLOtest* is a well of urease indicator gel sealed inside a plastic slide. The gel contains urea, USP (29 mg/mL) phenol red (a pH indicator), buffers and a bacteriostatic agent to prevent the growth of contaminating urease-positive organisms. If the urease from H.pylori is present in the tissue sample, it changes the gel from yellow to bright magenta.

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Microlit BEATUS Bottle Top Dispenser

Microlit BEATUS Bottle Top Dispenser

MICROLIT BEATUS is a Bottle Top Dispenser (BTD) that offers a sophisticated blend of features and functionality. It uses Springless Valve®, an award winning technology, and Recirculation Valve for preventing loss of reagent during purging.

MICROLIT BEATUS also features two product innovations: EasyKnob® and FlexiNozzle® that enhance its ease of use and flexibility. Designed with ergonomics and intuitive handling in mind, it exhibits excellent chemical compatibility and helps in achieving precision with reliability in practical laboratory environments

Tri-Med offers these dispensers in a 5mL and 10mL volume range.

For further technical information please refer to the product catalogue.

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