Rosalind Crosbie-Berent visits the Marshall Centre
Released on : Jul. 28, 2021
Our newly recruited Business Development Manager, Rosalind Crosbie-Berent visited Professor Marshall and Dr Alfred Tay recently at the Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training.
Ros has had numerous years’ experience in pharmaceuticals working with leading brands such as Astra Zeneca, Merck and Sanofi and has been employed to assist Tri-Med in meeting its core purpose being the “detection and treatment of Helicobacter pylori globally”
Ros had some fascinating discussions with Professor Marshall and Dr Tay regarding the resistant nature of Helicobacter pylori and the history of its treatment protocols. She even got to hold the medal!
About Tri-Med:
Tri-Med’s purpose is to facilitate the detection and treatment of H.pylori globally. Tri-Med is a Perth based business founded in 1996 by Professor Barry Marshall to satisfy a need for the design, development, and distribution of a safe, reliable diagnostic test to detect H.pylori. Since these humble beginnings Tri-Med has expanded both its product base and international footprint and now markets its products throughout Australia and to a worldwide market including over 30 export destinations. Kindly log on to https://www.trimed.com.au/about-trimed for more information about the organisation.